Redefine your tomorrow

01Term of Education

YL-TESOL is a short-term program with 5 months of both practical and academic education.

02Number of Students

- Up to 200 students in each session
- 20 students for each group

03Applicant Requirements

Standard Type
  • - BA degree or in the final semester of a university

Special Type (A)
  • - Elementary, Middle and High school teachers

Special Type (B)
  • - English language proficiency test scores above TOEIC 850, TOEIC SPEAKING 150, TOEFL(IBT 92), IELTS 7.0(IELTS General and IELTS Academic Both), TEPS 790, New TEPS 435 or an equivalent certified. An English test score is required.
  • - BA or MA degree from English speaking country.


Required application documents and writing test & interview

05Required Documents for Application


Those who wish to attend YL-TESOL must register within the registration period.

07Term of Class

Each session of the YL-TESOL certificate program lasts for five months.


09Registering for classes

Students must take all the pre-set classes and don't have to turn in the class registration form separately.

10Class schedule and Attendance

Each Professor will hand their class schedules out to students at the beginning of the session check the attendance at every classAttendance Policy+

11Missed classes and supplementary class

When a class has been canceled, the professor will give a supplementary class during the semester.

12Changes in Class groups

Class group change is only possible when the student is not able to attend the originally assigned class group. In order to change their class group, the student needs to fill out a requested form with the confirmation of each professor whose class the student takes. Then the student needs to hand the form in to the TESOL Office. The student cannot move to a class group that is already closed.


The completion of each course is necessary for the student to receive - course credits. A total of 12 credits are needed for the certification of this program.

14Certification of qualification & completion

Those who successfully completed the program with all the required credits will receive a Certification of Qualification(GPA 2.7 and above), the others will receive the Certification of Completion
(2/3 attendance, and no F grade in any course)

15Manner of Evaluation

Final projects, in-class assignments, homework, presentation, and portfolios.

16Academic Grading System

Academic scores and grades are as following.
Letter Grade Grade Point Percentile Letter Grade Grade Point Percentile
A+ 4.3 97-100 C+ 2.3 77-79
A0 4.0 94-96 C0 2.0 74-76
A- 3.7 90-93 C- 1.7 70-73
B+ 3.3 87-89 D+ 1.3 67-69
B0 3.0 84-86 D0 1.0 64-66
B- 2.7 80-83 D- 0.7 60-63
      F 0.0 59 and below

17Dishonesty on tests

Those who have cheated during a test will not be given any score. For those who used dishonest methods to be admitted, their admission will be canceled

18Temporary leaves and returning

Because YL-TESOL is a short-term program, temporary leaves and returning will not be approved.

19Tuition Refundment

Once the tuition is paid, it cannot be refunded unless the student turns in an admission disclaimer and the president of the Univ. consents to it.

**Tuition Refund Policy
Duration of the class dates Refundment
Before Opening Ceremony 100% tuition fee
Up to 3 weeks after class starts 5/6 tuition fee
Classes begin ~ First 1/3 2/3 tuition fee
First 1/3 ~First 1/2 1/2 tuition fee
After 1/2 classes None

20Documents Needed for Dropping

  • 1) A copy of your bank account (the first page of your bank book)
  • 2) The receipt of your tuition payment
  • 3) Contact administration professor TESOL office and get the requested forms.

21Transfer of credit

When applying for the Graduate School of education or the Graduate School at TESOL at Sookmyung Women's University credits from YL-TESOL will be counted.

22Transfer of credits to universities abroad

YL-TESOL credits may only be transferred to universities that are in cooperation with the YL-TESOL program. Check with the YL-TESOL staff for a list of cooperating universities.

23Studying abroad

Students who wish to study abroad may receive counseling from an expert and recommendations from foreign professors.Studying Abroad+

24Achievement Awards

Graduating students with letter grades above an A- in each subject and a grade point average above a 4.0 will be given Achievement Award.

25Merit Awards

Graduating students who set a good example to others and contribute to the development of YL-TESOL will be given a Merit Award.

26Disciplinary Punishment

In case an YL-TESOL student conducts an act of violation, a form of disciplinary punishment can be inflict. If need be, disciplinary punishment will be given to YL-TESOL students for misconduct.


Copying from texts, Web pages or any other source without citing references on any assessment is completely unacceptable and will result in a failing score.