Redefine your tomorrow


Second Language Acquisition: Theory and Practice (THE)
(아동 언어습득의 이론 및 실제)

This course aims to equip students with the ability to :
  • - Understand how individual differences influence a child’s language learning
  • - Apply language acquisition theories to support a child’s language acquisition and learning

The course also seeks to equip students with
  • - The time and management skills to undertake further, graduate-level study.

This class will explore the similarities and differences between children learning a first language and a second language. It will also identify factors which help or hinder the language development process in young learners (such as emotions, attitudes, and individual learning differences). Students in this class will also apply the ideas and principles we are learning to the teaching of their own lessons.

Reflecting on Language Teaching Methods
This course aims to equip teachers with the ability to:
  • - Examine the theory that underlies methods used to teach young children, including total physical response, task-based learning and content-based language teaching
  • - Apply language acquisition theories to support a child’s language acquisition and learning

At the same time, students will reflect on their own experiences as learners and teachers, as well as the extensive professional research that has been done in the field of first and second language acquisition.

Child Development and Teaching(CDT)
(아동 발달 교수법)

Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Excellent teachers provide a classroom environment that recognizes their students’ ability to learn and think in different ways. This course will help you to identify how individual students prefer to learn new content. After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • - Understand young learner's strengths and weaknesses in the three domains of development.
  • - Observe children and adapt lessons to promote child development
  • - Employ classroom strategies that promote higher order thinking, memory, and creativity
  • - Help children develop creativity and problem solving skills

Current and future teachers are also provided with the framework necessary to understand how children at different ages develop conceptual knowledge. This framework provides the basis for understanding what learners of different ages are capable of and willing to do in English as well as other subject areas. Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

Students will also be able to:
  • - Modify activities to match different ways that children prefer to learn
  • - Identify each child’s different intelligences and encourage their development

Curriculum Development and Lesson Planning(CUR)
(교육과정 개발 및 수업안 작성)

Planning Creative Language Lessons

This course aims to equip teachers with the ability to:
  • - Use clear, efficient processes for planning excellent lessons
  • - Create successful and meaningful English classes for young learners.

In this course, students examine several different models for planning language lessons for children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old. Teachers will have an opportunity to research the abilities of the different age groups so that they help each child reach their potential. As a result of this course, current and future teachers will have attained the skills required to deliver exciting child-centered lessons. As a result, you will be able to:
Use Songs, Games, and Child-Appropriate Activities
  • - Choose and use activities, songs, and games that encourage student participation
  • - Develop and use materials that actively engage learners

Assess Language Development
  • - Develop lessons that fit the needs learners of any language level
  • - Use and create rubrics that help you guide students language development

This course will provide models for using rubrics, record keeping, and a wide variety of other language assessment tools. Current and future teachers develop the techniques necessary to adjust ELT materials to match learners’ cognitive and linguistic levels.

Literacy Development (LIT)
(문자언어 및 독서지도법)

Creating a lifelong love of reading and literature is an essential part of learning any language. This course gives students a solid foundation in the area of teaching reading based both on theories of literacy and practical application of those theories. As readers, students must acquire and perfect several essential skills. A teacher of reading must be knowledgeable of these in order to teach students effectively. This course will talk about the different stages of learning in the development of a proficient reader and explore ways to teach and assess each of them.

In Literacy Development, students learn about
  • - Phonemic awareness
  • - Phonics
  • - Decoding
  • - Word recognition
  • - Vocabulary building
  • - Fluency
  • - Reading comprehension
  • - Assessment
  • - Guided reading
  • - Literacy centers
  • - Story time and the benefits of reading aloud
  • - Analyzing storybooks to determine their effectiveness in an EFL class

This class will model different techniques and activities for creating reading lessons that are effective for a range of ability levels. This course presents student-centered teaching models will be used to create engaging, practical reading lessons for use in the classroom as well as ways to encourage reading out of the classroom.

Classroom Management and Application (MGT)
교실 경영 및 활용안

Creating a Classroom of Kindness

Building community in the classroom, making students feel welcome, preparing a safe and positive learning environment – these are all key aims of the Classroom Management course. it seeks to familiarize teachers with the principles and practices necessary to establish a positive community of learners within the classroom.
This course is designed to give kindergarten and elementary school teachers the skills needed to create a comfortable, positive, and friendly learning environment for groups of young learners. Theoretical concepts and applications are introduced, as are the components of creating a support system for effective instruction: proactive behavior management, models of discipline, implementing effective teaching practices, and procedures for working with learners' families, including:
  • - Teaching Good Behavior
  • - Dealing with Problematic Behavior
  • - Implementing Effective Teaching
  • - Building a Positive Partnership with Parents

Classroom English (CE)
교실 영어

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Activities

This course allows kindergarten and elementary school teachers to practice and develop the language skills necessary to teach entirely in English and to create a supportive educational environment. The syllabus for this class is based on the types of communicative activities young learners need to develop within four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course provides teachers with the English needed to deliver effective instruction in each area as well as numerous ready-to-use activity ideas for actual lessons.
Model and evaluate teacher demonstrations
Along with focused instruction and personal support, students will observe sample activity demonstrations to reinforce excellent models of using English in a young learner's classroom. Each student will also have several opportunities to teach an activity of their own creation to the class and receive feedback on their teaching performance from their peers and instructor.

YL-TESOL Practicum

Community Volunteer Teaching ProjectMore Information

The Community Volunteer Teaching Project provides an opportunity for our YL-TESOL students to provide quality English language education to young learners who would not have access to it otherwise. The program is an excellent opportunity to practice what they are learning each week in the YL-TESOL program by instructing real young learners.


  • 1) YL-TESOL Certificate
  • 2) Reading Specialist Certificate (for students who receive over B+ (3.3) in Literacy Development)
  • 3) Transferable credits toward Sookmyung TESOL MA or collaborating universities abroad
  • 4) Numerous special lectures and workshops given by outside experts throughout the semester
  • 5) Practicum opportunities (community centers, after-school programs, winter/summer camps)
  • 6) Consulting for job placement and studying abroad
  • 7) Free access to workshops, seminars, and lectures