Redefine your tomorrow

SPEC타 교과 영어티칭 능력 인증 프로그램

( Subject/Specific Professional English Certificate )

변화하는 영어 교육 시장의 트렌드를 반영하여 숙명 테솔 에서는 타 교과 영어 티칭 능력 인증 프로그램(SPEC)을 개설 하셨습니다. 이 과정은 30시간 핵심과정으로 타 교과과정 영어 수업 교수법을 배우고 훈련 할 수 있는 과정으로 구성 되어있습니다.

SMU TESOL has a 20 year history of leading the field of English language teacher training in Korea. While our traditional and online programs continue to produce quality teachers every semester, we recognize that the market for English language teaching in Korea is changing, and like any industry leader, so must we.

The SPEC Cerfificate course is an intense, 30-hour teacher training course designed for trainees with a background in education who would like to learn more about how subject matter can be effectively taught in English.

The endorsement will set SPEC graduates apart from the competition by highlighting their subject-matter focus at a time when few English-Medium Instruction courses are being offered in the context of Korea.

SPEC Certificate Course

Subject Specific

The heart of the SPEC Course is the focus on English medium Instructioin(EMI). also known as CLIL (Content-Language Integrated Learning.) In other words, trainess learn how to teach their subject in English.


Trainees will all have a background in the teaching of English or other subject matter. This course will help those trainees compete in the emerging market of teaching subject matter in English of Korea.


The new form of English education in Korea will be defined by the subject matter conveyed in the medium of English.


Unliek a TESOL Certificate, the SPEC certificate will function as an endorsement to trainess currently held English qualifications. The endorsement will set SPEC graduates apart from the competition by highlighting their subject-matter focus.