Redefine your tomorrow

What is the Community Volunteer Teaching Program?

Volunteer teaching for 12 ~ 15 weeks at community volunteer sites(to be announced on the board)
Sookmyung TESOL has a special program called the ‘Community Volunteer Teaching Program’. All SMU and YL TESOL trainees can join this program. You can have a chance to practice Methodology, activities, and any skills that you’ve learned from class as well as help kids in need of English training.


To provide an opportunity for quality English language education to young learners who would not have access to it otherwise. Also, to provide opportunities for authentic interaction with young learners for English teachers in training.

Below are some different services that can be provided free of charge by the volunteers:
  • - Young learner English classes provided on a regular schedule
  • - English story-telling time and activity time
  • - Tutoring service to provide supplementary English to elementary students

Volunteer Sites

Yonsei Wellfare Center, Hopeseeker, Bit-na-ra After School, etc.


At the beginning of each semester, trainees can apply for this Practicum & Volunteering. With applicants, faculties will have information session to provide guidance. Volunteers will teach for 10 or more weeks following each site's schedule.

Certification of Qualification & Completion

Those who successfully completed the program with all the requirements will be given certificate of practicum or volunteer service.

How to Apply

Please download an application form from our website, and hand it in by email or in person.