Redefine your tomorrow
Dear teachers! Welcome to the Professional Development!

Connection to other teachers, information about teaching, and information about the latest developments in TESOL are invaluable resources as you continue your professional development as teachers and grow in your practice.

Stay connected and stay informed. Model what it is to be a great teacher and a great learner.

We look forward to helping you continue your journey in TESOL.

TESOL Resource Center & Main Library Use Guidance

01TESOL Resource Center

Sookmyung TESOL has the largest resource center in the country for students majoring in TESOL. It is complete with teacher resources, textbooks, academic journals, special lecture videos, newspapers, and magazines related to the field of language teaching.

1) Opening Hours
Location Opening Hours
TESOL Resource Center
(인재관 107)
MON 09:00 ~ 17:30
TUE 08:40 ~ 17:30
WED 08:40 ~ 20:40
THU&FRI 08:40 ~ 17:30
SAT 08:40 ~ 16:00
※ During Vacation : MON - FRI 09:00 ~ 17:00
※ Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

[ Resource Center ]

2) Checkout Policy
Period 7 days
(Storybooks are for 3 days)
Limit 5 books
(Reserved materials may not be checked out without special permission)
Overdue Fines Students with overdue books/materials will not be allowed to checkout any more items for 7 days after the return.

3) Lost and Damaged Items
  • - Must be replaced if not, double price of the lost item must be paid by the student.
  • - For Non-book item, 10,000 won must be paid.

4) Etiquettes
  • - Students must clean up their desks and chairs when they leave the Resource Center.
  • - Students should not bring food or drink into the Resource Center.
  • - Students must respect others who are studying, so please speak quietly.
  • - Students should not remove items from the Resource Center unless they are checked out.
  • - Students must return all items on time (Note: all items must be returned one-week prior to graduation.
  • - If items are not returned and fines not paid, your graduation certificate will be held.
  • - All policy issues and procedures are subject to change according to the urgent needs of the students, the size of the collection, and administrations such as book loss, inventory control, and overall “workability.”

02Main Library

1) Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Mon. ~ Fri. 09:00 ~ 17:30
Vacation 09:00 ~ 17:30 (Sat. 09:00 ~ 13:00)
※ Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

2) Contents
Floor Contents
6TH FLOOR Sciences & Arts
5TH FLOOR Sciences & Arts, Lounge Hue (休)
Reading Room, Bookstacks, Group Study Rooms
4TH FLOOR Social Sciences
Reading Room, Bookstacks, Group Study Rooms
3RD FLOOR Humanities
Reading Room, Bookstacks, Group Study Rooms
2ND FLOOR SMART Plaza, DICA Plaza, Film Theater, School Archives, Conference Room, Group Study Rooms
1ST FLOOR Study Lounge, Circulation, Course Reserves World Women's Literature Center, Rare Books

03TESOL Online Resource Center