Redefine your tomorrow
Theresa Pica, Ph.D.
(Professor and Director TESOL Program Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania)
Since its inception in 1997, the TESOL Program at Sookmyung Women’s University has been a font of leadership and innovation in the education of students who aspire toward professional careers and graduate study in English language teaching and learning. Sookmyung graduates continue to be in demand at schools, universities, and centers of education in Korea and indeed throughout the world. Many TESOL Certificate graduates pursue additional studies, beginning at the MA level, and then moving on to a Ph.D. program. Some choose to remain at Sookmyung’s own prestigious MA Program, while others decide to study abroad. When they come to the University of Pennsylvania, they stand out as academic leaders, wise instructors, and ambassadors of good will. Educated in your remarkable program that bridges theory and practice, integrates foundational studies with professional strategies, and stimulates research and reflection, Sookmyung students and graduates remain among the finest scholars and practitioners in the TESOL field. Congratulations on your outstanding and long standing accomplishments. May the Sookmyung TESOL Program continue to flourish and grow.
Robert A. Filback, Ph. D.
(Professor Clinical Education TESOL/TEFL Interim Program Lead University of Southern California)
The University of Southern California is pleased to congratulate the TESOL program of Sookmyung Women’s University on it’s 10 year anniversary!
As a partner in the professional development of English language teachers, USC is proud of the achievements of the SMU-TESOL program, the leading trainer of English teaching professionals in Korea. We look forward to many more years of working together for the advancement of English language teachers and learners in Korea and throughout Asia.
Andrew K. ha, Ph.D.
(Professor State University of New York at Potsdam)
It was the summer of 1997 when I was invited by the Director of the SMU-TESOL program to deliver a series of lectures to the very first group of students enrolled in the program. Needless to say that it was the SMU-TESOL program that marked a Milestone as the Pioneer in the domain of TESOL in the Republic of Korea. I admire and respect those individuals at SMU who had the wisdom and power to see into the future.
I am one of those individuals who have witnessed the unceasing growth of the SMU-TESOL Program in the past ten years. It is certainly my great honor to be invited to contribute a few words commemorating the 10th anniversary of SMU- TESOL Program which keeps growing to assist many Korean students who are eager to acquire English as a Second Language. I have learned that many graduates of the SMU-TESOL Program are currently teaching ESL/EFL in Korea.
Frank Tang, Ph.D.
(Professor and Director TESOL Program New York University)
As director of NYU’s TESOL program, and also a member of its faculty, I have had the privilege of not only welcoming the SMU-TESOL students in person but also advising and teaching them. I remember vividly the first three students from SMU-TESOL: Yun Jung Choi, Hyun-joo Lee, and Yunah Bah who came to NYU with such resolve that they quickly made a strong presence in the NYU community. I discovered in then the SMU-TESOL spirit: They came with high levels of proficiency in English as well as solid foundations in second language acquisition and pedagogy. They had strong motivation to learn and possessed an equally strong work ethic. They were intellectually inquisitive and creative in their thinking while exhibiting perseverance in their pursuit of academic goals and resilience studying in an alien learning environment. They made the vest of the SMU-TESOL as well as NYU TESOL program; all three received their M.A. degrees in TESOL and graduated with distinction from NYU. Yun Jung and Hun Joo returned to Korea and became English teachers’; Yunah stayed behind in New York to teach ESL at the Borough of Manhattan Community College(BMCC) for a tear before going on to continue her doctoral studies at Oxford University in England.
Aneta Pavlenko, Ph.D.
(Professor and Coordinator TESOL Program Temple University)
It is our great pleasure to congratulate our SMU-TESOL colleagues on the tenth anniversary of their excellent program. Throughout the years of our collaboration, SMU graduates have invariably been among the top students in the Master’s and Doctoral programs at Temple, displaying exemplary leadership, academic achievement, and commitment to the field. Their performance is a great tribute to the excellence of the program and we look forward to many more years of productive collaboration. Congratulations!
Robert b. Griffin, Ph. D.
(Professor and Director Department of TESOL Oklahoma City University)
On behalf of the faculty and students of the MATESOL program at Oklahoma City University, I would like to congratulate SMU-TESOL on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. As a national and international leader in preparing teachers to meet the needs of the English Language Learner, Sookmyung Women’s University has played a major role in advancing teacher education in Korea and beyond. Oklahoma City University is proud to Collaborate with such an accomplished program and looks forward to continuing its relationship with SMU in the future. Sookmyung Women’s University should take great pride in knowing that their students rank consistently among the top 5% of the students in our program. Their performance is a testimony to the 10 years of teacher training excellence that SMU has come to represent. We look forward to continuing our successful collaboration with SMU-TESOL with the sincere hope that the next ten years will be as fruitful as the last. Our best regards to the Sookmyung Women’s University TESOL program as you prepare for the well-deserved festivities to come.
Brock Brady
(Professor and Co-Director TESOL Programs Department of Language and Foreign studies AmericanUniversity)
Throughout these years of collaboration, my colleagues at SMU have provided me a window on the evolution of English teaching in Korea, and this window has helped us modify our program to better prepare our students for the teaching environments that they are most likely to encounter in EFL settings. Throughout these years of collaboration, the Sookmyung TESOL Program has become like a sister program to us, a group of colleagues with whom we share insights and research?colleagues whom we respect and trust. Soon this 10th anniversary of SMU’s TESOL Program, I can only wish many more years of such success and such fruitful collaboration. I know I can count on the SMU-TESOL program to provide innovative research, thoughtful teacher education, and many highly competent EFL teachers in the years to come.
Brian Paltridge, Ph. D.
(Professor and Director TESOL Program University of Sydney, Australia)
I am delighted to write these congratulatory remarks for the 10th anniversary edition of the TESOL Expert. The University of Sydney has a very strong relationship with the TESOL program at Sookmyung Women’s University. A number of students from the Sookmyung have continued on to do their Masters in TESOL with us at the University of Sydney. We are always very happy to receive these students. They are always well trained and well prepared for their studies with us. They are a pleasure to have in our classes.
We hope in the future more of these students will come to study with us and continue the very good relations we have with Sookmyung Women’s University.
Once more, our congratulations, and our very goon wishes for a further ten (and more) years of the TESOL Expert.
Dennis Dunham, Ph.D.
(Director International Student Services University of Central Oklahoma)
I have had the good fortunate to have personally worked with Sookmyung Women’s University for almost ten years. I can say that I have always been impressed with the professionalism, courteous reception and academic excellence represented by the SMU-TESOL staff and faculty. The students we have received from SMU into our Master’s of TESL have been superb.
The professors always extend their warmest appreciation for the excellent training and background with SMU-TESOL provides. It is with great pleasure that I extend my heartest congratulations to SMU-TESOL on their tenth anniversary and look forward to many more years of cooperation.