Redefine your tomorrow
Sookmyung TESOL, the preeminent destination in Korea for reputable ELT teacher certification of local teachers working in local contexts, encourages a platform for dialogue and the exchange of exemplary teaching practices around the world. Therefore, we are proud to announce the 2017 edition of the annual Sookmyung TESOL International Video Festival Competition, featuring cash prizes for top finishers along with quality feedback from our highly regarded faculty and participation certificates for all contestants.

Sookmyung TESOL understands that there is no ‘right way’ to teach languages; while a few principles (e.g. interaction and eclecticism) may be nearly universal, all learning will always occur as locally situated social practice, impacted by a unique constellation of cultural factors. Yet, a teacher’s development can only occur in reflective dialogue with oneself and a wide circle of relevant other teachers and learners. In that spirit, we announce this annual festival to develop an evolving collection of exemplary teaching practices.

Sookmyung TESOL International Video Festival Competition

Objective To demonstrate exemplary teaching for language learning in your local context.
Eligibility Open to all English language teachers everywhere for whom English is the primary language of instruction
  • 1) Record a short (10-15 minute) live video clip of yourself(spontaneous,unscripted, and unrehearsed)
    teaching with a group of your actual students (class size 5–30).
  • 2) Download and complete the Contestant Entry Form
  • 3) Email your video and completed form to : videocomp@sookmyungtesol.info
  • - Video and Contestant Entry Form must be received by midnight on Dec 31th, 2017.
  • - Winners will be announced by Jan 10th, 2018.
Judging Criteria
  • - Quality of teacher-learner interactions
  • - Quality of level-appropriate comprehensible input
  • - Perceived level of student engagement
  • - Quality of relationship between teaching video and rationales stated on Contestant Entry Form
  • - Students should be from novice-low to intermediate-high proficiency
    according to ACTFL.org
  • - All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation from Sookmyung TESOL
  • - All participants will receive clear, constructive,
  • - supportive feedback from Sookmyung Professors
  • - Winners will be announced on the Sookmyung TESOL website
Judging panel Sookmyung University Teacher Educators
  • - 1st place : 500,000 won (1 winner)
  • - 2nd place : 300,000 won (up to 5 winners)
  • - 3rd place : 100,000 won (up to 10 winners)
  • - Additional benefits of winnings :
    · Receive an Award Certificate
    · Video featured on Sookmyung TESOL website
Submission videocomp@sookmyungtesol.info

The SMU-TESOL Video Competition Scoring Rubric

Band Description
5 The information porovided on the form matches what is seen in the class, including the lesson objective and student age and proficiency levels. The teacher leads the class in an engaging manner and uses language that is appropriate to the proficiency level of the class. The teacher also supports comprehension of his/her language use with appropriate visual support.

There is a good balance between teacher and student participation and a good amount of dynamic, natural interaction in English. The teacher helps students improve the length and appropriateness of their utterances, and students interact well amongst themselves in English, with all or nearly all students participating actively in the lesson.
4 The information provided on the entry form largely matches what is seen in the class, including the lesson objective and student age and proficiency levels. The teacher leads the class in an appropriate ans energetic way, but is not always connecting with the students and sometimes uses language that is not appropriate to the proficiency level of the class. The teacher uses some visual support to help students understand his/her language use.

The teacher misses some opportunities to get students involved, but in general there in a good amount of student participation. The teacher’s interaction with the students in English seems a bit forced at times but is generally positive and dynamic. There is some interaction amongst the students in English, but the participation is uneven among the different students.
3 There are some significant differences between the lesson objective and/or student age and proficiency levels stated on the entry form and what is seen in class. The teacher’s presentation of the material is unengaging and/or at times inappropriate for the age and/or proficiency level of the class, and the teacher uses little visual support to help students understand his/her language use.

The class is fairly teacher-centered; the teacher’s interaction with the students in English is limited and/or generally focuses on rote responses. Therer is very little if any interaction amongst the students in English.
2 The lesson objective is unclear and/or is not met. It is unclear what material the teacher is presenting or how students are support to use that material and/or information. The teacher uses little visual support to help students understand his/her language use. The class is largely teacher-centered and the students’ role is limited to receiving information and/or working alone.
1 The lesson in the video bears little or no resemblance to the lesson described in the activity plan, with little or no effort seeming to be given to student interaction or ensuring student comprehension of the lesson content.