Redefine your tomorrow

Skills & Systems

In Skills and Systems (S&S) students will look at appropriate approaches for teaching the four macro skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as integrating language systems instruction into lessons; grammar, lexis, language functions and pronunciation.


Unit 1: Language Systems

1 Introduction to Skills and Systems
2 Phonological : Describing English sounds
3 Grammatical :
Global standards for describing English grammar
4 Lexical : Knowing, Presenting and Practicing Vocabulary
5 Discoursal and Functional:
6 Project 1 : Analyzing systems focus of a textbook unit

Unit 2: Language Skills

7 Interpersonal Communication
8 Listening :
Principles of teaching listening & teaching listening strategies
9 Reading :
Working with textbooks to plan for students to build reading strategies
10 Speaking :
Principles of communicative speaking activities
11 Writing : Writing to learn and writing to communicate + improving writing tasks
12 Project 2 : Analyzing skills and systems integration in a TASK

Tasks & Techniques

In Tasks and Techniques (T&T), students will build fundamental skills for planning lessons and look at Task Based Learning through the lens of a Communicative Language Teaching approach. By the end of the module students will be able to build a lesson plan for productive and receptive skills development, write appropriate lesson objectives, and make informed choices about the kinds of tasks they use in their lessons.


1 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
2 Language Learning & Multiple Intelligences
3 Productive Skills Development
4 Receptive Skills Development
5 Assessment
6 Project 1: Productive skills OR Receptive Skills Planning
7 Introduction to Task Based Learning Lesson Sequences (TBL)
8 Writing and Listening Texts for Tasks
9 Listing, Sorting & Classifying
10 Matching, problem solving and Storytelling
11 Task Based Learning and The Real World
12 Project 2: Task Based Learning planning

English for Education

In English for Education (E&E) students will work independently to improve their own English skills with a focus on how they will use English in the classroom. Using guiding and focusing questions, concept checking, instructions, and instruction checking questions form the basis of this module.


1 What is Teacher Talk?
2 Guiding and Focusing Questions
3 Concept Checking Questions
4 Delivering Instructions
5 Teacher Talk for Total Physical Response (TPR)
6 Assessment Week 1
7 Teacher Talk for Speaking Tasks
8 Teacher Talk for Listening Tasks
9 Teacher Talk for Reading Tasks
10 Teacher Talk for Writing Tasks
11 Putting It All Together
12 Assessment Week 2

Management & Materials

In Management and Materials (M&M) students will look at the key principles behind successful classroom management. In the second half of the module students will examine the different ways that teachers can support students language output using materials to build positive student to student interactions as well as student to teacher interactions.


Unit 1: Creating a Supportive and Growth-Focused Classroom

1 Classroom Dynamics
2 Supporting Students
3 Providing Feedback
4 Working Well with Others
5 Continuous Development
6 Project 1 : Creating a Supportive and Growth-Focused Classroom

Unit 2: Meeting the Needs of Your Students

7 Evaluating Language Teaching Materials
8 Meaningful Materials
9 Make, Use, Modify
10 Physical Materials
11 The Big Picture
12 Project 2: Meeting the Needs of Your Students

Class schedule

Morning Class

Time Tuesday Time Thursday
9-11 M&M 9-11 T&T
11-13 S&S    

Evening Class

Time Tuesday Time Thursday
18:30-20:30 M&M 18:30-20:30 T&T
20:30-22:30 S&S