Redefine your tomorrow

01Term of Education

SPEC is an intensive, 6 weeks program

02Number of Students

Class sizes ranges from 10-15 students per class

03Applicant Requirements

  • - Individuals who have completed a BA degree, and SMU/YL/PL-TESOL/Live-TESOL or Other TESOL program (Should study 0ver 100 hours)


Applicants are evaluated based on the following criteria:

05Required Documents for Application

  • - Application form and photo
  • - University diploma
    • - TESOL Certificate (should be written studying over 100 hours on the certificate)


Aspiring applicants SPEC must register within the registration period. SPEC uses a rolling-admission process.

07Term of Class

One session of SPEC program lasts for 6 weeks. There are 4 classes per a year (January/March/May/September)


09Registering for classes

Students must take all of the required courses. Students do not need to submit a course registration from to register for individual classes.

10Class schedule and Attendance

Each Professor will provide a syllabus highlighting important dates and assignments on the first day of class. Professors will also review the SPEC policy on during attendance at that day.

11Missed classes and supplementary class

On the rare occasion that a class canceled, the professor will give a supplementary class during the semester.

12Changes in Class groups

Class group change is only possible when the student is not able to attend the originally assigned class group. In order to change their class group, the student needs to fill out a requested form with the confirmation of each professor whose class the student takes. Then the student needs to hand the form in to the TESOL Office. Students cannot move to a class group that is already closed.

13Certification of qualification & completion

Those who successfully completed the program with all the required credits will receive a Certification of Qualification(GPA 2.7 and above). A student will not receive a certificate if she or he has failed any of the courses.

14Manner of Evaluation

The professors of individual courses will review the course assessments at the beginning of each course. Evaluations will include weekly quizzes and term projects, as well as other group and individual assessments.

15Academic Grading System (for Sookmyung only)

Academic scores and grades use A through F system. Students need to receive above a B in order to receive a certificate. Receiving an F in any course results in not receiving a certificate.
Letter Grade Grade Point Percentile Letter Grade Grade Point Percentile
A+ 4.3 97-100 C+ 2.3 77-79
A0 4.0 94-96 C0 2.0 74-76
A- 3.7 90-93 C- 1.7 70-73
B+ 3.3 87-89 D+ 1.3 67-69
B0 3.0 84-86 D0 1.0 64-66
B- 2.7 80-83 D- 0.7 60-63
      F 0.0 59 and below

16Dishonesty on tests

SPEC treat plagiarism and cheating as serious offenses. Those suspected of plagiarizing or cheating will receive one opportunity to make up the assignment with a maximum grade of B. The second offense will result in a failing grade.

17Temporary Leaves

Because SPEC is a short-term program, temporary leaves will not be approved and may significantly affect a student\'s final grade.

18Tuition Refundment

Once the tuition is paid, it cannot be refunded unless the student turns in an admission disclaimer and the president of the Univ. consents to it. (Entrance fee 300,000won, No Refund )

**Tuition Refund Policy
Duration of the class dates Refundment
Before Opening Ceremony 100%(Entrance fee+Tuition Fee)
Classes begin ~ First 1/3 2/3 tuition fee
First 1/3 ~First 1/2 1/2 tuition fee
After 1/2 classes None

19Documents Needed for Dropping

  • 1) A copy of your bank account (the first page of your bank book)
  • 2) The receipt of your tuition payment
  • 3) Contact administration professor TESOL office and get the requested forms.

20Disciplinary Punishment

In case a SPEC student violates the student code of conduct, disciplinary measure may be taken, including the possibility of expulsion.

21Graduation Standards

Only students who receive a grade point average of 2.7 (B-) and above can receive a SPEC Certificate.