Redefine your tomorrow
Preferential admission and credit exchange to the collaborating foreign universities is possible for Sookmyung TESOL graduates.
Hundreds of our graduates have completed Masters and/or Doctoral Degrees abroad.
We continue to expand our ties with the international education community to provide more professional opportunities.

United States of America

주요 협력 대학 University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Pennsylvania
New York University
American University
Georgia State University
Temple University
Anaheim University
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
University of Central Oklahoma
Oklahoma City University
기타 협력 대학 Arizona State University
Monterey Institute of International Studies (Southern California)
Hawaii Pacific University
St.Cloud State University
Saint Michael College
학점 인정 사례가 있는 대학 (정식 협력 X) University of San Francisco
California State University (Los Angeles)
Indiana University Bloomington
University of New Mexico
State University of New York Buffalo
University of Utah
Seattle University

United Kingdom

Leeds University of Leeds
Newcastle Northumbria University
Newcastle University


New South Wales University of Canberra
University of Sydney
Macquarie University
  • ※ 협약 조건은 변경될수 있습니다. 협력 대학별, 학기 별 변동 사항은 각 해당 대학별 홈페이지에서 확인 후 지원하시기 바랍니다. (Subject to change)
  • ※ Temple University의 경우 2018년도 가을학기부터 신입생 선발 예정이오니, 자세한 사항은 해당 학교로 문의하시기 바랍니다.